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Single or double membership

Discussion in 'Key features of the LostCousins site' started by CarolB08, May 12, 2018.

  1. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    I notice on the latest newsletter that Peter says that we should not add our partners relatives to our my ancestors page? Now being one of the twits who has done just this, how on earth do I sort it out? :oops:
    I suppose first off I must make a new account for my husband and re enter his relatives on his page and delete them from mine? Is there a quick simple way to do this or will it have to be one by one :eek: any help or advice greatly appreciated and minimal eye rolling please :)
    Many thanks in advance
  2. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Use the Refer a Relative option on your My Referrals page to copy your husband's relatives to a new account - you can change the relationships from 'marriage' to 'direct ancestor; or 'blood relative' (as appropriate) at the same time.

    Don't open the new account until you have the referral code. Once you've logged into the new account and carried out a quick visual check to see that your spouse's relatives have copied across delete them from your own My Ancestors page one by one.

    If you have entered a very large number of your husband's relatives (over 150) don't log-in to the new account after registering, instead email me with the referral code.

    An alternative to setting up a second account is to put the existing account in the name of someone who shares both sets of ancestors, ie a child or grandchild. This only makes sense if you originally entered the relationships as if that's what you had done in the first place. If you entered all your husband's relatives as related by marriage it is better to use Refer a Relative to transfer them to a new account.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    Thank you for the detailed answer Peter, I have taken a look at my "My ancestors page" and just a quick glance tells me that there are far more of his relatives there than mine :( would it be possible to simply change my existing account to his name and open the new one in mine and then transfer over my relatives?
  4. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, you can do it that way round, but if you've entered his relatives as related by marriage it could take you longer.

    Hope this helps,
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  5. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    Thank you Peter, I did not enter his relatives as by marriage so that should be alright, just one more thing, when I have changed my existing account to his name will my membership of this forum need to be redone or will this stay the same ?
  6. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    You'll need to update the membership number in your profile - otherwise, no change.
  7. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    Many thanks for your patient and clear instructions Peter, I have now managed to change my existing membership to my husbands name, got my referral to open a new one in my name successfully transferred all my relatives and changed my membership number in my profile :) all of which I could not have done without your help, so thank you so much. I am now off to take out a joint subscription and hope to find lots more lost cousins through these changes :)
  8. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Glad to be able to help - for future reference please note that you could have used the same email address for both accounts just so long as the password is different. There is an advantage in doing this - it means that you'll normally only get one email about my newsletters.
  9. CarolB08

    CarolB08 LostCousins Member

    I did do that to start off with but as I save passwords to my computer having the same email just confused it :rolleyes: so it was easier just to use different emails :)
  10. Bryman

    Bryman LostCousins Megastar

    I have been following this thread as I think that I may be forced into splitting my LC membership to avoid 504 Gateway Time-out errors (see separate thread).
    My searches for matches are all taking over 55 seconds before first response and past experience suggests that this error occurs if there is no response within 60 seconds. Now I am getting time-out errors for about half of my searches and need to repeat them, sometimes successfully. This is even after the recent hardware upgrade that Peter authorized to speed processing up significantly.

    Having my father's ancestors separated from my mother's should significantly reduce the processing required for each search, even if not in half. There are a few thousand entries for each 'half' so I am hoping that Peter may be able to help if I do go with a split. (A thought . . . How do other LC members fare with larger lists of census references for ancestors than me? I know that there are some - at least one with double mine.)

    This would be my situation with me as the child. Would I have to register separately as my father and my mother (both deceased) with me to manage both accounts using two passwords? Can they be joint accounts? Would I have to upgrade my subscription? Could I add my wife as a third joint account in the future or would I have to re-register as our son?
  11. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    At this point in time I am still hoping for a hardware solution to the problem, which currently only affects a handful of members. Were it not for the processor fixes to eliminate the Meltdown/Spectre loopholes the problem almost certainly wouldn't exist today for any members (following the upgrade to all-SSD storage).

    I understand that some new insecurities have been identified and I'm waiting to see what impact, if any, the fixes for those have.

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