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Pro Tools & New format DNA Match Lists

Discussion in 'Ancestry' started by PeterM, May 26, 2024.

  1. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Ooh, looks like I signed up just in time... though it will only be for the first month. No doubt it will be £7.99 from next month, if I decide to stay with it.
  2. Pauline

    Pauline LostCousins Megastar

    Which seems to me like a complete rip-off! It's frustrating enough that we've had to wait so long for Ancestry to provide what other sites have been providing for ages, and to have to pay extra for it, without now having to put up with a price hike. Like Helen we got in at the cheaper price but no doubt the higher price will kick in next month if we decide to stick with it.
  3. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Yes, they tempted us in for a few days at the lower price, then raised the price by 60% within a week. Ancestry do like their introductory offers, and it must be a 'slow' season at present. Last week, my husband was offered a 3-month Worldwide Membership for only £1. Of course, we took up this offer, and I've been busy collecting the overseas records that are behind a paywall on my account. Must remember to cancel before the 3 months is up, otherwise it gets expensive.
  4. canadianbeth

    canadianbeth LostCousins Star

    I got that $1. offer as well, and since I had paused my membership for a month, took advantage.
  5. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not sure that I will need to have Pro Tools on a permanent basis. I'm only interested in the DNA upgrade, and the data isn't going to change much from month to month.

    No great discoveries so far.....
  6. canadianbeth

    canadianbeth LostCousins Star

    For me it is $12.99 Canadian, which is a bit better than the current exchange rate of 7.99 U.K.
  7. Pauline

    Pauline LostCousins Megastar

    I guess it depends partly on how you define a great discovery! I haven’t yet broken down any brick walls, but I have now worked out who quite a number of matches are from seeing who among my known matches they are most closely related to, where previous attempts to discover their identity hasn’t really got anywhere. While simply knowing who matches are doesn’t necessarily help much of itself, it is helping me get to grips with some of my ‘unknown’ clusters, some of which I can now see confirm areas of my tree where previously matches seemed absent or rather thin on the ground. And being able to see more distant shared matches has also helped confirm where some closer unknown matches fit in. Given time, who knows, maybe some of these new discoveries will help towards breaking down a long-standing brick wall.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Pauline

    Pauline LostCousins Megastar

    There is a thread here on the New format DNA match lists which discusses this, starting from around #28 and mostly focussing on the DNA aspects. The general agreement seems to be the new tools are useful albeit a bit pricey.

    I've also used the tree checker since it was there, but wouldn't pay for the tools just for the tree features. It did highlight a few people where I hadn't entered any sources, but that was mostly because I only knew the name and no facts. It also picked me up for not adding any sources to myself!
  9. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Not sure if anyone has reported this yet, but there are some interesting anomalies with the information reported by Pro Tools:
    • Longest matching segment - not given
    • Unweighted DNA - the figure shown is the weighted figure, despite the description
    • Shared matches - what you see depends on who you are
    As mentioned in post #29, the shared matches you see will include matches below 20cM provided your cousin shares 20cM or more with those cousins. Not only does this mean that you (A) will see different shared matches from your cousin (B), the amount of shared DNA reported will tend to me lower for A than for B. You might, interpret a list like this....


    ... as indicating that B is more closely-related to those cousins than A. However in reality, it's only because B shares more than 20cM with them that you are seeing them at all.. B won't see those matches at all - but might well come to a similar wrong conclusion by looking at the ones he can see.
  10. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    For my matches, I am seeing longest matching segment and, for all matches <90 cM, I'm also seeing unweighted DNA as higher than the weighted figure. (I think I'm right in assuming the TIMBER algorithm isn't used for matches >90 cM?)

    I agree about your cousins seeing different shared matches, but I wouldn't interpret any of those in your list as indicating B is more closely related to A, as I know the amount of shared DNA is very variable once you get beyond 3rd cousins.
  11. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Here are some examples of what I see:



    The amount of shared DNA is indeed variable, but when you get the same feedback from multiple matches it's hard to ignore. Remember what Lady Bracknell said about losing parents!

    Attached Files:

  12. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Sorry, my mistake - I was misinterpreting what you said. I now realise you were referring to the description of the shared matches, not the initial match. I too get similar results to you, i.e. the shared match (on the right of the screen) has unweighted the same as weighted and the longest segment just cM with no figure. Apologies.
  13. Pauline

    Pauline LostCousins Megastar

    My impression is that there are various bugs which need sorting. One thing I keep coming across is that searching and sorting matches doesn’t always work first time, and the page needs to be reloaded before the correct results show. I think this was happening with the new format before I got the Pro tools, but anyway it’s still happening sometimes.
  14. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Over the past few days I've had to reload many of the pages, and not just pages related to DNA. For benefit of those who haven't encountered this problem, there is no error message - typically the page headings are displayed but there is no data below.

    I did also get a problem yesterday when building a tree for a DNA match using hints - I can't remember the precise wording, but it was along the lines of "we're too busy doing more important things to process hints, come back later when we're not so busy".
  15. Pauline

    Pauline LostCousins Megastar

    I’ve had that sort of thing happen with Ancestry, but this isn’t quite the same. Say I was trying to sort my matches by date, the page loads fine and looks normal, but the matches are not properly sorted by date. Only after reloading are the matches properly sorted.
  16. John Dancy

    John Dancy LostCousins Superstar

    Strange, but at no point as yet have the new colours etc that this link is talking about appeared on my matches? I still have the original colours and circles.
    On the other hand, this morning, first I can't get into any of trees, and now my account !!
  17. Pauline

    Pauline LostCousins Megastar

    There seems to be some major world wide issue affecting many systems this morning. It’s not just Ancestry!
  18. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Ancestry.co.uk seems to be working now.
  19. Pauline

    Pauline LostCousins Megastar

    Not fully, but trees and the DNA pages have been back for a while, though I haven’t checked if all features of these are working. Various dataset search pages were back around midday, but the data itself still isn’t available yet.
  20. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    And my Quick Links are missing from the home page

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