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Convicts transported to the American Colonies.

Discussion in 'USA' started by mowsehowse, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. mowsehowse

    mowsehowse LostCousins Member

    I have been searching the web to find a way of discovering where transportees were dumped on arrival in America if they survived the voyage. I have read that quite careful records, including descriptions were kept, so that if a convict attempted to escape re-capture would be made easier.

    It seems that there is a work entitled:
    "The complete book of emigrants and The complete book of emigrants in bondage."
    Has anyone out there got access to this massive work?
    Can anyone perform look-ups?
  2. Heilan Lass

    Heilan Lass LostCousins Member

    Can your local library order it on loan for you? I've got hold of several books with limited availability this way.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  3. mowsehowse

    mowsehowse LostCousins Member

    Yes. :) Thank you, that is my next plan.
  4. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    If all else fails, the book is available from Amazon (though it's rather expensive).
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  5. mowsehowse

    mowsehowse LostCousins Member

    It is quite......
    Perhaps I will win the lottery, then I can buy it and I can do look-ups for other people............. perhaps!!
  6. mowsehowse

    mowsehowse LostCousins Member

    National Library of Wales have "The complete book of emigrants and the complete book of emigrants in bondage." but I found reference to it on familysearch too.
    I have asked how it can be accessed, perhaps it might need a visit to Salt Lake City!!

    Have also discovered a remarkable work in progress "the immigrant servants database", comprising about 20,000 names so far. Sadly it has not provided the answer I am seeking, as yet!

    I note the link I provided has been removed, presumably because it is sponsored by a commercial business, (? moderator ?) however, anyone searching for the phrase immigrant servants database + Virginia should find it.
  7. Heather

    Heather LostCousins Member

    There is a site which I have found most useful for finding books etc. I have had a look and the book you are searching for is not on this site, as far as I can see, but you may find something similar to help you.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  8. Susan - s3js

    Susan - s3js New Member

    Many of Coldham's defining references are on Ancestry as databases including his 9 volume Bonded Passengers to America and Child Apprentices in America from Christ's Hospital London 1617-1778 (also available free on the Virtual Jamestown site. There are many records here under court records and censuses). You might see if Godfrey Library has it on-line or Heritage Quest. Many public libraries have subscriptions to Heritage Quest that you can access from home. Your public library may also have Ancestry available to use from the library or it is usually available at your local Family History Center. Allen County Library has several copies and they might well do inter-library loans. There are also a ton of books digitized by Google that have this information, especially for Maryland and Virginia. Many of them are older editions, but still valuable. Maryland has a large portion of their archives on-line (many of these records are linked and often include surprising information. I've found them quite valuable.) and they include indentures among other things. and Pennsylvania had quite extensive records on indentures and felons.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  9. cfbandit

    cfbandit LostCousins Member

    Did you end up finding it ? WorldCat says 56 libraries across 3 countries have it available.
  10. mowsehowse

    mowsehowse LostCousins Member

    I did thank you, yes. I e mailed a query to the National Library of Wales, and also to the Virginia Historical Society and was delighted by prompt and helpful replies from both.
  11. mowsehowse

    mowsehowse LostCousins Member

    If anyone has an interest, I have a copy of "The King's Passengers to Maryland & Virginia" by Peter Wilson Coldham, and will be happy to check the index on request.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Did you win the lottery then? :)
  13. mowsehowse

    mowsehowse LostCousins Member

    Sadly I did not, Tim, but I thought it might be a worthwhile investment even so. It will certainly have been a better investment if I get to help a few people.
    • Agree Agree x 2

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