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Discussion in 'DNA Questions and Answers' started by peter, Oct 4, 2022.

  1. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I am, but unfortunately I haven't had a chance to watch the presentation.
    • Thanks! Thanks! x 1
  2. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Further to my 'both sides' match reported earlier, this person also matches with me on My Heritage, where they report 4 shared segments and 50 cM (higher than Ancestry's unweighted figure). Maybe Ancestry have used the discarded fourth segment in the assignment? I also have a match with the same person on GEDmatch but there are only 3 matching segments there. I also have a match with this person's niece on all 3 sites, with just one matching segment (16 - 20 cM). Ancestry have assigned the niece as paternal side, but my shared match with the aunt is definitely on my maternal side. The extensive trees of aunt and niece contain no surnames or birthplaces in common with my relatives as far as I can see, so I think I'll have to give up on this one!
  3. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I very much doubt it.
    What you get at GEDmatch will depend on the settings.
    Good idea! As I pointed out in the newsletter not long ago, the reason why most people test is to knock down 'brick walls', and that's where the main focus should be.
  4. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Well yes, I normally leave it at the default minimum segment size of 7 cM. But reducing it to 4 cM still gives 3 matching segments.
  5. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Which surely makes you wonder how MyHeritage came up with 4? (There are, of course, other settings you can change at GEDmatch.)
  6. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Out of curiosity, I looked at the match via the Chromosome Browser/One-to-One Comparison at MyHeritage/GEDmatch and they both show the longest matching segment on Chr 3 with 2 shorter ones on Chr 13. MyHeritage shows a further matching segment of just 6 cM on Chr 22. This last one does not show at all on GEDmatch (even with minimum segment set to 3). I know you can change different settings at GEDmatch but the one for minimum segment size seemed most appropriate here.
  7. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    It's the easiest to understand, certainly - but you have to wonder how MyHeritage found that extra segment.
  8. jorghes

    jorghes LostCousins Superstar

    Other than children/grandchildren - I have one other results that turns up a "both sides" - and I'm not sure this will help in anyway, which is my grandmother's grandnephew...
  9. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    Nieces and nephews - and grandnieces and grandnephews - will correctly show as 'both sides' as they will share the same ancestors as their aunt/great aunt on both maternal and paternal sides.
  10. Sue_3

    Sue_3 LostCousins Member

    I have just noticed that the matches 'By parent BETA' for a DNA test that I manage have been updated. It says 'Updated Dec 2022' at the top left and approximately 550 previously unassigned matches have now been assigned to a parent.

    My own DNA says 'Updated Oct 2022' at the top left and there are no changes to the number of unassigned / assigned matches (apart from the steady increase in new matches, which are all still unassigned).

    I'm hoping this means that everyone's matches are currently being re-evaluated and some will move from unassigned to assigned?
  11. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    That caused me to check my own and the handful I manage, and I see my own and that of my daughter's also shows 'Updated Oct 22', yet my wife 's and a cousin's as 'Updated Sept 22'. The sole remaining Tree I manage shows as 'Updated Nov 22' and the only one to mention any newly assigned matches. This tiny snapshot seems to verify that all are being re-evaluated as Sue suggests.
  12. jorghes

    jorghes LostCousins Superstar

    I'd say so, my tests have the following "updated Oct 2022" and also a "Nov 2022" and a "Dec 2022"...

    But then they have always said that they are constantly updating the DNA results (ethnicity wise), so it would make sense that they do the same for any new features.
  13. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    Most of the tests I've checked so far show September or October - but at least one cousin has just been updated to December. In this a message was displayed to tell me about the update.

    Many Ancestry features, including most DNA-related features, are dependent on processing carried out when there is spare capacity.
  14. Mitch_in_Notts

    Mitch_in_Notts LostCousins Member

    Mine was updated yesterday. My 11,721 unassigned has dropped by 2!! which have now been assigned. My (adoptive) parents remains at September and October.
  15. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    How useful are people finding SideView? I generally only look at the assignment when I am searching the trees of matches for the surnames of my 'brick wall' ancestors - I prioritise any cousins on the right side of my tree, and ignore the ones on the wrong side.
  16. Sue_3

    Sue_3 LostCousins Member

    I do that too, but I also find it useful as a further confirmation of research already done and also as a pointer if I have been struggling to see where a match might fit in. One match in particular is adding weight to the evidence for breaking down one 'brick wall' now that we both know for sure which branches of our trees to focus on.
  17. Sue_3

    Sue_3 LostCousins Member

    My own DNA has now been updated, with 525 fewer 'unassigned' matches than yesterday. Not had time to look at them in much detail, but I can see that matches new within about the last 3 months are still 'unassigned'.
  18. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    It can be useful, as Sue_3 says, when confirming research and pointing to where a match might fit in. Personally, I find SideView much less useful than Shared Matches, as those often home in on a particular area of the tree quite nicely. I have a new match with a very small tree, still listed as 'Unassigned' but from the 4 shared matches - all linked to my mother's paternal grandmother - I can easily see what part of my tree they link to.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Helen7

    Helen7 LostCousins Superstar

    My husband's test says 'Updated Jan 2023' so must have been today, but only 2 have been added to parent 1 and 3 to parent 2, while over 6,000 matches remain unassigned. My test has 'Updated Nov 2022' and still has over 7,000 unassigned, about a third of the total.
  20. Susan48

    Susan48 LostCousins Superstar

    My test has also been updated today with only 2 added to parent 1 and 4 to parent 2, and no change to the large number of unassigned matches.

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