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Relatively Yours 3

Discussion in 'Old discontinued programs' started by VTinOZ, May 23, 2023.

  1. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    Are there any users here of RY3, certainly an old program, no longer supported other than by a users group.
    I have other programs but prefer to continue using RY3 & will do so whilstever it works well.

    I now need to write a 'custom report' to query one family database & just can't seem to manage to do that, I have read the manual & tried to modify other standard reports without success.
    Thought I'd ask in case anyone here might know how & would be able to help me learn how.
  2. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    What's the report that you want? Maybe there's another way of getting the answers?
  3. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    Hi Tim,
    I need to query the database for all individuals with 'Private Notes' added. Private notes in RY3 is a section accessed from an individuals biographical page.
    Thank you for your response.
  4. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    I believe you can do that by using FTAnalyzer.
  5. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    I would like to Tim but FTAnalyzer returns an error, "Error: Could not read file from disk. Original error: Stream was too long.", so I can't load the gedcom to FTAnalyzer.
  6. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Ok, I'm sure Alexander will answer your post on FaceBook.
    Have you tried loading your gedcom into any other software? I'd be concerned if my data was in an unsupported software program and a gedcom reading software like FTAnalyzer can't open it.
  7. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    I do hope to hear from Alastair as I would like to be able to use FTA with this particular gedcom. Yes I have loaded into Family Tree Maker which I use occaisionally. I simply prefer to use RY3 but do have my data elsewhere as well.
  8. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Have you tried loading into FTM and then exporting a gedcom from FTM? That should then load into FTAnalyzer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    Yes I can load a gedcom from FTM to FTA but as the FTM gedcom doesn't return the same information as the RY3 gedcom I don't understand how that can help me resolve the problem in RY3.
    I know the problem lies in the Private Notes section of RY3. I don't even know if that section is included in a gedcom in the first place. It wasn't included in the gedcom from FTM that was made from the RY3 gedcom.
    Hope you can follow that, sorry I don't know how to describe these things properly.
  10. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Notes are held in the gedcom, just depends now how compliant RY3 is to the gedcom standard.

    But I have to say that you are putting all your research in a very precarious position. You're using old and unsupported software, you're experiencing issues with file size and creating gedcoms, and there will come a time that you will not be able to load it on to the latest versions of DOS/or new pcs.

    I would be seriously looking at moving to a supported Family History Software program. I know you like RY3 but there are too many risks with staying with it.

    Have you tried loading it into Ancestry as a Private tree? That would remove some risk.
  11. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    As far as I know RY3 is compliant to Gedcom standard 5.5.

    I do understand your concerns & do have all the same people & their bio data, just sans extra private notes, in a number of other programs on my PC & Laptop & various backups on other drives & USBs etc. as well as on Ancestry Private trees.
    All my certificates, photos etc are elsewhere, & backed up, but link to RY3 so are safe if RY3 did fail.

    I do prefer RY3 which is working well in Windows 10pro & also Windows 11, with the exception of this very recent file size problem in only 1 database of the many I have in RY3. All others are working perfectly.
    I rarely use gedcoms so don't know what went wrong with the most recent but suspect it must be to do with the file size issue.

    So, being stubborn & inquisitive as I am, I'd really like to see if I can work out what the problem is within that 1 database & fix it.
    This is the first time I've had a database issue to fix.

    As a last resort I can manually examine each of the 13,000 odd individuals for the errant private note but making a custom report to show me which of those individuals have private notes, because not all do, seemed a logical & quicker option IF I can just work out how to make the custom report to query the database.
    If I have to manually inspect I'll sort the database by last changed & work backwards.

    I very much appreciate your input as I'm sure you, and most others, have a far better understanding of how databases, or any software, work than I have ever learned. I just use the programs.
  12. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    All programs claim to be compliant, but the problem is that it isn't really a standard.
  13. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    As one stubborn person to another (I also clung to an outstanding Genealogical program - so long ago have forgotten what it was called - but that sadly was non compliant with Windows after XP so I eventually had to abandon same and go with the flow). If of any help however, I do know there is quite an active Facebook support group for FY3 who try to help with compatibility issues. Give them a try facebook.com/groups/443861862899886
  14. Bob Spiers

    Bob Spiers LostCousins Superstar

    Just remembered the program I stuck by through thick and thin until it got taken over and abandoned was FTL or Family Tree Legends, older than RY (sorry I called it FY) by quite a way. It broke my heart to leave it, but leave it I had to do, and now sadly, it is indeed a Legend long forgotten. Perhaps RY3 will have a better ending, but don't raise your hopes too high
  15. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    Hi Bob,
    Thanks for your comments & no need for the apology I guessed you meant RY3. I've long been a member of the Facebook RY3 users group. Members there are very helpful & we all try to be supportive of each other, sadly no one there has had need to write a custom report so no experience to share in that area. Some though are, like myself, experimenting, trying to learn how, & hopefully eventually an answer will be found.
  16. Tim

    Tim Megastar and Moderator Staff Member

    Create a gedcom for each of your parents only and see which one contains the large file size. For the parent that has the large file size, create a gedcom for each of their parents etc.
    That should save you looking at 13,000 notes to find the bad bit of data!
  17. VTinOZ

    VTinOZ Member

    Thank you Tim, I'll try that process too. I have now managed to produce a gedcom with a smaller file size that will load into FTAnalyzer. This highlighted some errors, luckily not many, I was unaware of in my tree that I'm now correcting & once done will make another gedcom to load into FTA.

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