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Ayrshire families very faithful to Scottish naming pattern

Discussion in 'Ayrshire' started by Valzie, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Valzie

    Valzie LostCousins Member

    The traditional Scottish naming pattern (first son named after paternal grandfather, second son after maternal grandfather, third son after father; first daughter named after maternal grandmother, second daughter after paternal grandmother, third daughter after mother) was strictly adhered to by most of the Ayrshire families in my tree, until about 1900. This naming pattern has been a great help to me in finding lost parents and grandparents: when other relatives have suggested a George from the next village, I've hesitated, knowing that the missing man was almost certainly a James... and, usually, I've found I was right to trust the naming pattern.
    I was, therefore, nonplussed when I found a family in which the maternal grandfather took precedence, giving his name to the first son: apparently this happened occasionally when the maternal family had more money or a better social position.
  2. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    Or illegitimacy!!! Ayrshire families tended to follow the mothers fathers pattern with illegitimacy. I'd agree they tend to be extremely strong pattern followers.
  3. Valzie

    Valzie LostCousins Member

    Some of the Ayrshire illegitimate births in my tree bear out what you say. But illegitimate sons were sometimes named for the putative father - perhaps when there was some hope of getting the man to church eventually?

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