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2021 Census

Discussion in 'Comments on the latest newsletter' started by peter, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    There are just 5 days left to respond to the Office for National Statistics survey - please start by re-reading my article in the latest newsletter, and then adding in this thread any comments that you feel might help other members compose their own submissions.

    But don't submit identical answers - if you each express yourself slightly differently, but still make the same important points it will be much harder for our views to be ignored.
  2. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

  3. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

    .......and I should have said spread the word outside this forum , I've just sent a Facebook message to 3 of my "cousins".
  4. Carla

    Carla LostCousins Star

    I read the information on their web site and also everything you wrote about it, Peter. As soon as you mentioned the reminder in your newsletter I filled in their survey. I found it easiest to have your thoughts and suggestions open in a separate page as I answered the questions, and wrote a variation on your words filled out with how I felt personally. It is important to read the questions carefully as they certainly don't seem to want you to answer with "it will affect the family history is researched in a negative way" for example. As a result I was very careful to look at all their own information and then use that to show why I felt the way I did.
  5. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

    As of Dec 14 and around noon GMT it looks as if the survey has not been closed so it might not be too late to have your say.
    Quite apart from any genealogical concerns it raises the issue (once more)of a personal identification number/ national identity card as part of the alternative method.
  6. Liberty

    Liberty LostCousins Megastar

    I received an email today(apparently genuinely from the census people), headed
    It reads :

    "I thought that you would be interested to know that the National Statistician, Jil Matheson, has today made her recommendation on the way forward for census and population statistics.

    In summary the recommendation is:

    · An online census of all households and communal establishments in England and Wales in 2021 as a modern successor to the traditional, paper-based decennial census. ONS recognises that special care would need to be taken to support those who are unable to complete the census online.

    This would be combined with:

    · Increased use of administrative data and surveys in order to enhance the statistics from the 2021 Census and improve annual statistics between censuses.

    · Together these would make the best use of all available data to provide the population statistics which England and Wales require and offer a springboard to the greater use of administrative data and annual surveys in the future.

    · Further research is to be carried out over the coming months and years to determine the most appropriate blend of methods and data sources.

    You can find the National Statistician’s recommendation here
    and the response from the Sir Andrew Dilnot, Chair of the UK Statistics Authority here

    The Government will respond in due course.

    Discussion with users has played a key role in informing our view of the best way forward. It strongly underlined the value to users of existing census data about small areas, about small populations and as part of the historical record. It also showed that users recognise the potential value of modernising our approach and making use of other sources. We feel the resulting recommendation of a mixed approach provides the best possible solution and a very positive base for the future. Our summary report of the consultation is also published today.

    We look forward to continuing to work with you as we refine the approach over coming months and years.

    Please contact us at beyond2011@ons.gov.uk if you have any questions or wish to discuss further.

    Kind regards

    Ian Cope
    Director of Population and Demography Directorate"
  7. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    It's good to see that they've taken the most sensible course of action - and the one that we were hoping for!

    Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the consultation - I'm sure what we did made an impact, just as it did in the previous consultation.
  8. Liberty

    Liberty LostCousins Megastar

    From the report on the consultation

    "There were over 700 responses to the consultation, 444 from individuals and 271 from organisations"

    I am pleased to see that my little input was not actually lost in a crowd. Between us, we possibly put forward about 1% of the response.

    (All the contributors are listed in the Appendix, including Lost Cousins Limited and me under my proper name - don't know about anyone else....)
  9. peter

    peter Administrator Staff Member

    I haven't been through the list one by one, but I certainly noticed quite a few names of LostCousins members (including Liberty). It wouldn't surprise me if LostCousins members accounted for 10% or more of the individual responses.
  10. Britjan

    Britjan LostCousins Star

    I was on the list although since I was using my Irish alter ego I was incognito. :cool:.
  11. Liberty

    Liberty LostCousins Megastar

    I received another email, headed 'The Government's Response to the National Statistician's Recommendation

    You may recall that the National Statistician made a recommendation on 27 March 2014 about the census and future provision of population statistics in England and Wales. The Government has now responded, welcoming the recommendation for a predominantly online census in 2021 supplemented by further use of administrative and survey data.

    The UK Statistics Authority and the Government have both responded to the Public Administration Select Committee's report 'Too soon to scrap the Census". The UK Statistics Authority's response can be seen here
  12. Alexander Bisset

    Alexander Bisset Administrator Staff Member

    I took the decision to amend the formatting of your text Liberty so that it fitted in with forum norms. I hope I preserved the text correctly, apologies if I made a mistake.

    On the letter an interesting caveat is "However, our support for the dual running of an online (decennial) census with increased use of administrative data is only relevant to 2021 and not for future censuses. Our ambition is that censuses after 2021 will be conducted using other sources of data and providing more timely statistical information."
    • Good tip Good tip x 1

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